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Showing posts from May, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Burnt-out, directionless but want to turn it around

Ask HN: Burnt-out, directionless but want to turn it around 507 by RoseBuckler | 269 comments on Hacker News. I've been programming on and off since the age of 16. Unfortunately, I have never been a rockstar programmer. I've always pieced code together from multiple sources to create programs but I've always failed to come up with a solution from scratch of my own and provide any value. I've always wondered how other smart people are able to come up with libraries, services and various solutions from scratch. I've devised countless ideas only to never execute them for various reasons or get started with them only to never fully complete them and see it all the way through. I've already wasted my entire teens and 20s, current 28 years old, working as a software engineer (Full-Stack) at a startup for ~4 years. I've been feeling like a loser and not good enough for this career even though I am a sole developer for Mobile and Web platforms at this startup in ...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to learn math from zero for adults?

Ask HN: How to learn math from zero for adults? 433 by stArrow | 140 comments on Hacker News. I am a 26 year old learner who is really into Machine Learning. But my lack of understanding in math has held me back. Skipping and hating math classes in high school have been my biggest regret. Now, I am slowly trying to learn, but I don't know where to start. I need some guidance.

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: I turned my face rec system into a video codec

Show HN: I turned my face rec system into a video codec 485 by jacobgorm | 138 comments on Hacker News. Before the pandemic, my tiny startup was doing quite well selling Edge AI systems, based on our own lightweight AI inference engine, with object detection and face recognition for smart city and smart retail & food service applications. When the real world shut down, there was suddenly nothing to monitor on streets and in restaurants, so I set out to try and evolve our real time face recognition system into a video codec for high quality face-to-face online interactions, as I was not satisfied with the quality of Zoom and friends. I got it to work, and the first release for IOS was just approved on Apple's app store, link: The way it works is that you create a meeting URL, which you can share out-of-band, for instance via slack or text message. You can also share as a QR code which the app can scan to join a call. You then place your device on a surf...

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: I made $1000 with my app and now making $500/mo

Tell HN: I made $1000 with my app and now making $500/mo 450 by strongpigeon | 141 comments on Hacker News. Edit: Wow #1 on HN. Y'all are making my day. Hey HN, I'm mostly a lurker on HN who's always super inspired by other people's small project that end-up making money. (Huge fan of Ben Stoke's Tiny Project [0]) After being burnt-out in big tech, I decided to write my own weightlifting app and set myself a humble goal of reaching $1000 in total proceeds. See [1] for my initial launch post. I've now surpassed that goal and am now making about 500$/mo by selling premium features in the app. Android version is coming soon too. Doing the whole thing end-to-end (code, launch, marketing, support) was super gratifying and taught me a whole lot. I have to admit that I got almost teary eyed the first time someone bought one of my IAPs. I'm not making a killing out of the app, and that was never the goal. But the personal satisfaction I got out of it was worth ev...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What game do you wish existed?

Ask HN: What game do you wish existed? 479 by jharohit | 1269 comments on Hacker News. I have usually kept a short list of games that would be fun if they existed. Long ago one my bullets in the list was a procedurally generated planet-sized planet with a full diaspora to explore. No Man's Sky fulfilled that for me. What are some games that you wish existed?

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Bike – macOS Native Outliner

Show HN: Bike – macOS Native Outliner 498 by jessegrosjean | 232 comments on Hacker News. Bike’s most original feature is the “fluid” text editing. Lots of text editors have animated some interactions (cursor movement, insert newline, etc), but I think Bike is the first designed from the ground up to support fluid editing. Give it a try, it feels different. (movie on home page if you don't have Mac) Other Features: • In text mode Bike works like a normal text editor. In outline mode rows are constrained to outline hierarchy. • .bike file format is HTML subset, so files are easy to parse and manipulate. Bike also supports .opml and .txt. • Scriptable via AppleScript. Javascript plugin API also expected in future, though no timing on that. • Architecture needed to support fluid editing also makes Bike faster/more scalable than most (all?) outliners and many text editors. I test performance using the Moby Dick Workout[^1]. Implementation Notes: • View is built using CALayers[^2]. •...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Is anyone else glad the crypto market is crashing?

Ask HN: Is anyone else glad the crypto market is crashing? 603 by blueberrychpstx | 614 comments on Hacker News. Obviously it's bad if people lose their entire life savings and all that dead horse beating disclaimer stuff. I fancy myself as a somewhat esoteric idea person, and so when I first discovered cryptocurrency a few years ago, I was very excited to explore the mind bending ways we can build __NEW__ things. Instead, JPEGs and skeuomorphic representations of traditional financial vehicles in web3 space. I'm hoping this crash and those in the future rid the space of the toxic backrooms these $30,000 jpegs provide access to and get us to collectively work on building really exciting cool new things. What do you all think?

New best story on Hacker News: No Dislikes has officially ruined YouTube for me

No Dislikes has officially ruined YouTube for me 717 by techsin101 | 297 comments on Hacker News. Spoiler: rant. I don't know what happened exactly but I'm pretty sure it's the lack of dislike stats, that now my suggestions and home page of youtube is filled, and I mean FILLEDDD!, with videos that have 4k stock clips, catchy title, but completely lacking in content. Misleading 100%. Not 1, not 2, but like 8/10 videos are now garbage stock footage with bs commentary over nothing. Example: Nasa just discovered truth about solar system!?!?!?! Science has progressed a lot in last 100 years.... So and so first discovered pluto in 1xxx Mayans used to think balbala... Some historians think.... Now scientist finally have answered.... New evidence (2014 research) shows there might be a planet ... No explanation of study because you know it actually requires some comprehension... Insert failed attempt at humor... Leave a comment on your thoughts.. =========== Same script, like 8th...