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Showing posts from May, 2024

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: A web debugger an ex-Cloudflare team has been working on for 4 years

Show HN: A web debugger an ex-Cloudflare team has been working on for 4 years 749 by thedg | 183 comments on Hacker News. Hey HN, I wanted to show you a product a small team and I have been working on for 4 years. It’s called Jam and it prevents product managers (like I used to be) from being able to create vague and un-reproducible bug tickets (like I used to create). It’s actually really hard as a non-engineer to file useful bug tickets for engineers. Like, sometimes I thought I included a screenshot, but the important information the engineer needed was what was actually right outside the boundary of the screenshot I took. Or I'd write that something "didn't work" but the engineer wasn't sure if I meant that it returned an error or if it was unresponsive. So the engineer would be frustrated, I would be frustrated, and fixing stuff would slow to a halt while we went back and forth to clarify how to repro the issue over async Jira comments. It’

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Dillo 3.1.0 released after 9 years

Show HN: Dillo 3.1.0 released after 9 years 420 by rodarima | 104 comments on Hacker News. As commented before[1], I've been working on the past months to get the Dillo back to life and today I'm happy to release the 3.1.0 version, after almost 9 years since the last one. [1]: During this time: - A new mailing list was created[2] which is beginning to get some messages and patches. It is available in gmane via NNTP at gmane.comp.web.dillo.devel. [2]: - A LiberaPay page[3] which received the first donations (thanks!). [3]: - Some more bugs where fixed and new features where added (details in the release page and/or changelog). Thanks to all the people that contributed with patches and tests. Now let's see if we can make it land in some distros!