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Showing posts from September, 2023

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Unity like game editor running in pure WASM

Show HN: Unity like game editor running in pure WASM 526 by TrevorSundberg | 116 comments on Hacker News. In the wake of all the Unity nonsense, just wanted to toss the Raverie engine into this mix :) We’re building off a previous engine that we worked on for DigiPen Institute of Technology called the Zero Engine with a similar component based design architecture to Unity. Our engine had a unique feature called Spaces: separate worlds/levels that you can instantiate and run at the same time, which became super useful for creating UI overlays using only game objects, running multiple simulations, etc. The lighting and rendering engine is scriptable, and the default deferred rendering implementation is based on the Unreal physically based rendering (PBR) approach. The physics engine was built from the ground up to handle both 2D and 3D physics together. The scripting language was also built in house to be a type safe language that binds to C++ objects and facilitates auto-complete (tr...

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Paisa – Open-Source Personal Finance Manager

Show HN: Paisa – Open-Source Personal Finance Manager 458 by ananthakumaran | 197 comments on Hacker News. I have been using plaintext accounting for some time and had a duct-taped together reporting system. Paisa is my latest attempt at making it usable for others. I am interested in knowing what people normally want to understand about their finances PS: Please avoid editing the demo data. Download and run locally if you want to edit.

New best story on Hacker News: My uBlock Origin filters to remove distractions

My uBlock Origin filters to remove distractions 414 by mig4ng | 166 comments on Hacker News. Repository with my filter lists that block some distractions from sites I want to keep using. I am pretty ruthless removing distractions from my life (e.g. no Instagram, Facebook, TikTok), but some tools I'd like to keep using some parts of it. E.g. Twitter/X, I dislike the feed but I like reading some threads that are shared here or on blog posts. Same for YouTube, I enjoy some videos but I do not want recommendations when I finish the video I was watching. Feel free to suggest more, open issues, pull requests or send me an email :)

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: ElectricSQL, Postgres to SQLite active-active sync for local-first apps

Show HN: ElectricSQL, Postgres to SQLite active-active sync for local-first apps 425 by samwillis | 121 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, James, Valter, Sam and the team from ElectricSQL here. We're really excited to be sharing ElectricSQL with you today. It's an open source, local-first sync layer that can be used to build reactive, realtime, offline-capable apps directly on Postgres with two way active-active sync to SQLite (including with WASM in the browser). Electric comprises a sync layer (built with Elixir) placed in front of your Postgres database and a type safe client that allows you to bidirectionally sync data from your Postgres to local SQLite databases. This sync is CRDT-based, resilient to conflicting edits from multiple nodes at the same time, and works after being offline for extended periods. Some good links to get started: - website: - docs: - code: - introducing post:

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: HyperDX – open-source dev-friendly Datadog alternative

Show HN: HyperDX – open-source dev-friendly Datadog alternative 456 by mikeshi42 | 108 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, Mike and Warren here! We've been building HyperDX ( HyperDX allows you to easily search and correlate logs, traces, metrics (alpha), and session replays all in one place. For example, if a user reports a bug “this button doesn't work," an engineer can play back what the user was doing in their browser and trace API calls back to the backend logs for that specific request, all from a single view. Github Repo: Coming from an observability nerd background, with Warren being SRE #1 at his last startup and me previously leading dev experience at LogDNA/Mezmo, we knew there were gaps in the existing tools we were used to using. Our previous stack of tools like Bugsnag, LogRocket, and Cloudwatch required us to switch between different tools, correlate timestamps (UTC? local?), and manually cross-check IDs to piece together wh...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why did Visual Basic die?

Ask HN: Why did Visual Basic die? 405 by Zelphyr | 507 comments on Hacker News. I've been a software developer for almost 30 years. I remember using VB back in the 90's and I was thinking about it the other day and it dawned on me; despite all the advances in technology since then, nothing I have found compares to that development experience today. I would go so far as to say we've gone backwards in a big way. Now, I'm no fan of Microsoft products but, I have yet to find a tool that can allow me to be as productive in so short a time as Visual Basic. Yet I can't help wondering what problems it had that caused them to abandon it? Moreover, why hasn't someone come out with a solid replacement?

New best story on Hacker News: Fine-tune your own Llama 2 to replace GPT-3.5/4

Fine-tune your own Llama 2 to replace GPT-3.5/4 478 by kcorbitt | 125 comments on Hacker News. There has been a lot of interest on HN in fine-tuning open-source LLMs recently (eg. Anyscale's post at ). I've been playing around with fine-tuning models for a couple of years, and wanted to share some insights and practical code. I’ve condensed what I’ve learned into a small set of notebooks at , covering labeling data, fine-tuning, running efficient inference, and evaluating costs/performance. The 7B model we train here matches GPT-4’s labels 95% of the time on the test set, and for the 5% of cases where they disagree it’s often because the correct answer is genuinely ambiguous. What is fine-tuning? You can think of it as a more-powerful form of prompting, where instead of writing your instructions in text you actually encode them in the weights of the model itself. You do this by training an existing model on example input/outpu...

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Puck – Open-source visual editor for React

Show HN: Puck – Open-source visual editor for React 397 by chrisvxd | 86 comments on Hacker News. Hey hackers, OP here! I've been dipping in and out of this problem space for the last few years with many of my clients. Puck sits somewhere between an old-school WYSIWYG-powered CMS and headless one, allowing content teams to author content using real React components. Traditional CMS solutions were flexible but often resulted in page that completely broke the brand guidelines. Headless CMS solutions are a fantastic way of controlling brand by restricting UI changes to developers, but makes layout changes restrictive and slow as developers often need to get involved. Puck provides a visual editor for React that can sit on top of your existing headless CMS (or act as standalone). We've been dog-fooding it on a few pages at and on . So far, so good The API is built for React, which allows FE devs to quickly integrate their existing componen...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: I’m an FCC Commissioner proposing regulation of IoT security updates

Ask HN: I’m an FCC Commissioner proposing regulation of IoT security updates 449 by SimingtonFCC | 144 comments on Hacker News. Hi everyone, I’m FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington, and I’m here to discuss security updates for IoT devices and how you can make a difference by filing comments with the FCC. As you know, serious vulnerabilities are common in IoT, and it often takes too long for these to be patched on end-user devices—if the manufacturer even bothers to release an update, and if the device was even designed to receive them. Companies may cease supporting a device well before consumers have stopped using it. The support period is often not communicated at the time of sale. And sometimes the end of support is not even announced, leaving even informed users unsure whether their devices are still safe. I’ve advocated for the FCC to require device manufacturers to support their devices with security updates for a reasonable amount of time [1]. I can't bring such a proposal ...

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2023)

Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2023) 377 by whoishiring | 362 comments on Hacker News. Please state the location and include REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when that sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is not an option, include ONSITE. Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. One post per company. If it isn't a household name, explain what your company does. Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here. Readers: please only email if you are personally interested in the job. Searchers: try , , , , . Don't miss these other fine threads: Who wants to be hired? Freelancer? Seeking freelancer?