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New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: Puck – Open-source visual editor for React

Show HN: Puck – Open-source visual editor for React
397 by chrisvxd | 86 comments on Hacker News.
Hey hackers, OP here! I've been dipping in and out of this problem space for the last few years with many of my clients. Puck sits somewhere between an old-school WYSIWYG-powered CMS and headless one, allowing content teams to author content using real React components. Traditional CMS solutions were flexible but often resulted in page that completely broke the brand guidelines. Headless CMS solutions are a fantastic way of controlling brand by restricting UI changes to developers, but makes layout changes restrictive and slow as developers often need to get involved. Puck provides a visual editor for React that can sit on top of your existing headless CMS (or act as standalone). We've been dog-fooding it on a few pages at and on . So far, so good The API is built for React, which allows FE devs to quickly integrate their existing component and add some form fields for author input, or connect it to a headless CMS of choice. It's open-source under MIT, and pairs nicely with Next.js (check out the demo application). Next in the pipeline: support for multi-column layouts, richer demos, new plugins. Looking forward to hearing your comments!


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